Riley Murphy

Feb 17, 20212 min


This is Reclaimed Surrender’s original cover with then publisher: Ellora’s Cave. I was thrilled. The book hit the shelves on February 4th 2012 and didn’t arrive to Amazon until the 6th. The first review – this one came around feb. 18th or so. I know this says March, but according to my records it released on Saturday which was the 18th. I waited nearly ten agonizing days for someone to acknowledge having read my book and when it came. Man! How could I forget? I was SO excited and then worried no one would see it because Romance Land— at the time— took time off over the weekends to spend with the family.


It was okay though. I got a few emails and then some really great response following the first review of Reclaimed Surrender.

This is my newest cover for the story…

The new cover published by

This is the star rating I received.

These are the awards it received

Here’s the link to Didi – Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

The only other thing I will add is this. Reclaimed Surrender was nominated for an EPIC Award the following year and I received this for my first year in Publishing. Love that!

As for the blog? Well…I saw this today when I was checking on my new website’s ranking on Google. It’s been so long since I’ve seen me and Guilty Pleasures together again that I had to blog about it. I’m excited about all the new stuff I have in the works to be published and the level of excitement reminded me of my first year in publishing. So happy!

These are all my guys since then. The complete TRUST IN ME series.


Book is the prelude to REQUESTED SURRENDER

And this is Riley signing off to finish writing the next scene in one of my soon-to-be published stories.

Can’t wait.

As always, thanks for stopping by!

